A Few Cliché and Not So Cliché New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

Keep up with a healthy routine for once. It’s probably the most cliché resolution of all, but it’s really the most important. I am the queen of starting a “diet”, sticking to it for a week and then falling back into a pit of unhealthy eating and refusal to exercise. I basically go back and …

Surviving the Sophomore Slump

If you've ever been through college, or are currently a sophomore like me, you'll know that the "sophomore slump" is a very real thing. Endless procrastination, cold and lazy mornings, and a constant stream of papers, reading, and everything in between. It can feel like your drowning sometimes - like you're traveling down a downward …

Paper Towns

"Get Lost, Get Found" First I must address that I read the book “Paper Towns” by John Green almost two years ago, so the specific details of the plot are somewhere deep in my brain, out of reach. However, having read the popular John Green novel I can say that I was captivated by the …