Surviving the Sophomore Slump

If you’ve ever been through college, or are currently a sophomore like me, you’ll know that the “sophomore slump” is a very real thing. Endless procrastination, cold and lazy mornings, and a constant stream of papers, reading, and everything in between. It can feel like your drowning sometimes – like you’re traveling down a downward spiral that you can’t climb out of. And unless you have some magic gift that can keep you motivated 24/7, it’s important to take some time to yourself and relax. So to manage to pick my feet up off the floor and continue my sophomore year, I have put together a little list of things that help me “de-stress” and relax, and hopefully they will help you.

  1. Acoustic Covers & Coffee – Two of my favorite things, mellow music and a good cup of coffee (or tea, depending on the day). It’s really the simple things that can make me feel more relaxed. There’s something about hot coffee warming my body, and acoustic music moving through my soul that makes me happy. If I just close my eyes and let these things take over, I calm down every time. It helps me forget about time, and allows me to live only in the present moment – not thinking about all the work I haIMG_5860ve to do, or the class I have later that day. I have an Acoustic Playlist on Spotify that I am constantly adding too, if you would like to give it a listen!
  2. Books, Books, & More Books – Reading books is something that has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Reading stories is one of the most comforting things I cIMG_5867an do to relax. I’m one of those people that always has a stack of book somewhere around me. In my room I have a little ledge that I keep a handful of books, and whenever I have free time I pick one up and read for a couple minutes. There is something about being able to travel to anywhere in the world through the pages of a book, or getting completely lost in somebody else’s story in one afternoon.
  3. The last thiIMG_6049ng that really helps me de-stress and become more motivated is exercise. Whether it’s going to the gym or just taking a walk through the woods – working my body can improve my mood 10 times more than anything else and it helps keep my mind off of things that are bothering me. Feeling my feet pound down on the treadmill, or the ground, is such a freeing feeling and definitely helps me feel better about the pizza I ate the weekend before or the lazy days I have throughout the week.

Hopefully my little habits will help you with your sophomore year slump, and if not I hope you find your own ways of dealing with stress!

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