LUSH Review: Exfoliators

I love pampering myself with new products and Lush is one of my favorite stores to spend an hour in smelling every little goodie they have to offer. During the summer, I like to exfoliate to get dead skin off and reveal that summer glow. These are a couple of my favorite LUSH exfoliators that naturally and effectively do the trick.

“Buffy”, the square bar that comes in two sizes, looks a little bit like a giant block of buttery oatmeal. While it lacks the color and sparkles of the trendy bath bombs, Buffy is a luxurious exfoliating body butter bar that you use in the shower. Ground almonds, rice, and aduki beans work hard to slough off dead skin, leaving you with smooth, luscious, and healthy looking skin. The results really are “nuts”, trust me. I use it after I shave and rub the bar into my skin in areas where I get bumps, like the back of my legs. Plus the smell is amazing, but not overpowering. The cocoa butter and shea butter does linger on your skin so wait for it to sink in and work its magic before tossing clothes on.

In the past, I’ve also tried “Scrubee” and the Ocean Salt scrub. Scrubee gave my skin a similar effect to Buffy but didn’t last as long which I was disappointed about. It melted away quickly while Buddy held its ground on my shower’s ledge. I did find that you keep these bars out of the shower, they’ll last longer and you won’t waste as much. The honey scent is to die for I will say that Scrubee doesn’t make as much of a mess, the ground coconut shells and almonds are finer, so you won’t be left with bigger pieces. Both of these bars do make your shower floor a little slippery though, so be careful after you lather yourself up.


The ocean salt scrub is definitely harsher on the skin, so if your skin is super sensitive, I wouldn’t recommend it. I do have sensitive skin, but if I used the scrub before shaving, I didn’t get any irritations. The Ocean Salt scrub is cleary for ocean lovers, it mimics the feel of plunging into salt water. Isak Dinesen said, “The cure for anything is salt water. Sweat, tears, or the sea,” and I would have to agree with him. If you can’t get to the beach, hop in the shower with this scrub and massage the ocean blue salt into your skin. The grapefruit, lime, coconut oil, and avocado butter ingredients make you feel like you’re floating in the ocean with a margarita in hand.


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